Tuesday, July 31, 2007

For some reason my wrist is killing me. And I need to be healthier. I don't smoke anymore, so now I gotta fix my eating... and lack of exercise. There is a gym here at work with some equipment and showers, and I think it would be better to do that on lunch instead of eat crappy food. SIGH! This is harder than quitting smoking.


Monday, July 30, 2007


Change can be hard but also rewarding. This past Sunday we had a stake meeting where they realigned all the wards in our stake. I was in the Clearfield 3rd ward and we met at the building just down the road from our house at 1pm. Now I'm in the Wedgewood Ward that was cut out of another stake and brought into ours, along with our whole street and the next one north which was in the 3rd ward previously.

We have a new bishopric, a newer building that is on the same road as our old one, just a bit farther to the west across state street, and we're meeting at 9am instead of 1pm. That is kind of nice because we'll have a large chunk of the day left when we're done, but it's hard to get 6 people ready and out the door by 8:45. I don't like 1:00 meetings either because it takes your whole day. 11:00 is just right, and if we stayed in the 3rd ward we'd probably have that schedule next year. This ward will probably move to the 1:00 am after the new year, so it will be another year and a half before we're on the 11:00 block.

Oh well, I guess we'll see what happens.


Friday, July 27, 2007

but worth it

I've never felt the spirit of the lord stronger than I did today. I'm drained metnally and physically. Kneeling at the altar with Lindsey adn looking into her eyes I knew that she was mine forever. Then having my 3 little bambinos brought in and sealed to me forever was the "prize" as our sealer put it. This before handing the "deed" over to my wife. lol what an awesome guy he was. I've got a lot of math to do tonite, btu I don't think I'll get to it. I suppose I'll make a day of it tomorrow.

Thank you to those of you who know who you are.


Boy is it ever early!

Round two! Ding.


Thursday, July 26, 2007


What an experience! It's just after 11 pm, Thursday July 26th 2007. This evening my wife and I received our endowments in the Salt Lake Temple. I can't digest everything, but I took the advice of several of my friends and family that was given before we went.

The most common piece of advice I was given was to stand back and listen to my heart and take a moment to 'feel' how I felt. Happiness and wonder were what overcame me. To stand and make covenants with my father in heaven, made me feel accountable for my life and the way I live it.

I'm so thankful for the people in my life that helped me along the way, and for those who were there in the Temple with me. I had a lot of family there, and a few friends. Ben, Mike and Von, I'm so thankful for your lives and influence.

Tomorrow I'll be sealed to my wife and Noah, and Trevor and Penny. Once Morgan comes of an age where she can make the choice to do so, she'll have the opportunity to join her siblings in being eternally sealed to her father.

We're made it!


Sunday, July 22, 2007

I'm stoked. No work tomorrow, or for the rest of the week. I'm also bummed. The stake is splitting our wards up, or changing boundries rather in all the wards. We've made a lot of good friends here and it's too bad that we won't be able to see them as often. Hopefully since our ward is the smallest in the stake, we'll only get new people.

Talk about a big shake up though, all the bishops in the stake are being released. Well actually, everyone is being released. Our Elder's Quorum presidency will be disbanded after next Sunday. I've only been the 2nd counselor for about a month, but was the Secretary since February. I have a feeling that a large portion of our ward is going to be cut off and put into another ward, and unfortunately that section of the ward has some of our very close friends in it. I'm not saying it's going to happen, but if I had to venture a guess, it'd be that.

Well moving along, talk about busy, for the last two nights in a row we've had about 25 people at our house for dinner. It's awesome though, our house is nice and small but we have a huge yard for all the little ones to play in. I'll post some pics when I get a chance.

I'm sad though that my oldest daughter Morgan couldn't be with us because it was her mother's weekend to have her while she's down for the summer. Morgan was so excited to see her mom, and then her mom pawned her off on her grand mother to go camping for the weekend, so they've had her since Thursday and they weren't back in Evanston at even 5pm today. I talked to Morgan's mom (henceforth "she who shall not be named") and she said that we could meet tomorrow morning to pick Morgan up if she can find a ride. This really sucks, I have a whole week off work and my daughter who has been looking forward to spending time down at our house while I'm NOT at work is missing it all. I'm going to have to have a chat with she who shall not be named's mother, if she wants to take Morgan to do things that's fine, but she'll do it on she who shall not be named's time, not mine.

Well enough of that, tomorrow sometime we're going down to Utah county and we're going to hike up to the Mt Timpanogos caves and do that whole thing, then have a birthday party for someone in my wife's family.



Saturday, July 21, 2007

9 In a row

Since it's technically Saturday, I'm officially starting my 9 days off in a row.



Thursday, July 19, 2007

One to go

Horray! Score: 100%

Like I said though, easy test. I guess.



I collect mountains of pictures and store them here. I find them all over the place, people send them to me, browsing forums or just where ever. Anyway here is a small collection of some of them. They're not in any order, just random

So yea, I like cars and I like Honda cars. For some more samples, read on.

I seriously have a lot of pictures, but I have WAY more car pics than anything else. I do have a few pictures that I need to clear off my server.

But that will happen when I have some time, so enjoy some more pics!


So yea, I have lots more of those...



Last night I got a 100% on my practice test. Hopefully I can recreate that tonite when I do the real test. This chapter has been pretty easy so I don't see a problem with it. It's been on graphing linear inequalities and solving word problems with linear inequalities.

Anyway, this morning I took part in what is called a Tech Council meeting here at work. Basically, there are about 20 people or so on a conference call. Most of the people are agents from our call center in SLC, some from the center in Boise and a big chunk from our vendors in the Philippines. The rest of them were management with the biggest fish being my boss's boss's boss's boss. She is the "VP-Network Ops and Eng" and is just below the CEO of our company.

While there were a lot of agents listening in and participating in the discussion today, 2 of us gave 10 minute presentations about two different talking points. The first guy rambled on for 15 minutes about ownership and urgency on calls before being cut off by someone else to get the call moving. Then it was my turn, I gave a presentation on "words that work" and how to convey a sense of urgency with all types of customers. Why do I know anything about that? Well the entire 2nd quarter I was on the QA team and got to spy on people and their calls. During my time there I think I did a lot of good as far as clearing up gray areas where people were failing QA scores because they didn't know how to pass. It's pretty cool to get some recognition at this place. Especially considering that less than a year ago I was on a Warning of Dismissal discipline step for being tardy to work too much.

I'll step off my soap box now. =)


Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Just a word for the wise, don't ever stop taking math unless you plan on never taking it again. I'm taking 3 practice tests for my 'online' math class. It's w34k m4th but hey I'm figuring it out. Tomorrow I have the real test then only 1 more chapter and test till the final. I'm still trying to convince myself that I should continue on in the fall and take yet another math class, but I suppose I will.

I may even take math until my brain oozes out of my nose and fries my calculator.

(that's my brain.... oozing....)


Friday Friday Friday!!

Next Friday, July 27th I'm going to be sealed to my wife and 3 of my kids in this beautiful building to the left.

We've been aiming for this point in our lives for the last 8 years. I know you're supposed to get married here in the first place, but we just weren't ready to make the commitments that we will make there. Several of my friends and family are going to share this occasion with us and we're happy to have them join us.

8:20 AM that morning is when the ceremony begins, so plan on coming around 7:45ish. See you there!


I'm new to the internet.

I'm being forced under duress to create this blog. I suppose I'll make it about myself, my family and my love of cars... or something. I'm twenty eight years old, I have a beautiful wife and four awesome kids. Morgan, my oldest daughter just turned 10 in May and lives in Wyoming. Noah will be 7 in September, Trevor will be 5 in November and Penny will be 3 in October. In just over a week they will all be sealed to me for all eternity in the Salt Lake Temple. It's been a long time coming, but I'm ready.

For some reason I can't get enough of cars, and consider myself an automotive fan. I can see beauty and potential in almost any car design (with a few exceptions like the Pontiac Aztec) and I enjoy driving cars as much as I do looking at them. More so I guess.

I have 4 cars at the moment, a 1995 Honda Civic hatch that got smashed and is being parted out, a 1994 Geo Metro that only has 3 cylinders and does real good on gas, a 2002 Ford Windstar (awesome kids) and then my other Honda, a 1992 Civic hatch with a JDM GSR motor. The motor is mated to a JDM B16 LSD tranny for a quick shifting 6 speed feel with only five gears. So on the freeway 80 mph = 4750 rpm. The thing is light and has a 'few' less creature comforts than most cars on the road. Stock the trim of civic I have has no power steering, windows, door locks or mirrors. It didn't come with air conditioning either. To add (or subtract) from that the heater has been removed, the rear seats have been removed, there is no sound deadening, no radio and no driver's side airbag. This car is my toy and I will use it the same way I used my Teal 95 hatch, at the auto-cross and at the track.

So family, church, work, school and cars. That's what I do.