Monday, July 30, 2007


Change can be hard but also rewarding. This past Sunday we had a stake meeting where they realigned all the wards in our stake. I was in the Clearfield 3rd ward and we met at the building just down the road from our house at 1pm. Now I'm in the Wedgewood Ward that was cut out of another stake and brought into ours, along with our whole street and the next one north which was in the 3rd ward previously.

We have a new bishopric, a newer building that is on the same road as our old one, just a bit farther to the west across state street, and we're meeting at 9am instead of 1pm. That is kind of nice because we'll have a large chunk of the day left when we're done, but it's hard to get 6 people ready and out the door by 8:45. I don't like 1:00 meetings either because it takes your whole day. 11:00 is just right, and if we stayed in the 3rd ward we'd probably have that schedule next year. This ward will probably move to the 1:00 am after the new year, so it will be another year and a half before we're on the 11:00 block.

Oh well, I guess we'll see what happens.

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