Thursday, July 19, 2007


Last night I got a 100% on my practice test. Hopefully I can recreate that tonite when I do the real test. This chapter has been pretty easy so I don't see a problem with it. It's been on graphing linear inequalities and solving word problems with linear inequalities.

Anyway, this morning I took part in what is called a Tech Council meeting here at work. Basically, there are about 20 people or so on a conference call. Most of the people are agents from our call center in SLC, some from the center in Boise and a big chunk from our vendors in the Philippines. The rest of them were management with the biggest fish being my boss's boss's boss's boss. She is the "VP-Network Ops and Eng" and is just below the CEO of our company.

While there were a lot of agents listening in and participating in the discussion today, 2 of us gave 10 minute presentations about two different talking points. The first guy rambled on for 15 minutes about ownership and urgency on calls before being cut off by someone else to get the call moving. Then it was my turn, I gave a presentation on "words that work" and how to convey a sense of urgency with all types of customers. Why do I know anything about that? Well the entire 2nd quarter I was on the QA team and got to spy on people and their calls. During my time there I think I did a lot of good as far as clearing up gray areas where people were failing QA scores because they didn't know how to pass. It's pretty cool to get some recognition at this place. Especially considering that less than a year ago I was on a Warning of Dismissal discipline step for being tardy to work too much.

I'll step off my soap box now. =)

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