Sunday, July 22, 2007

I'm stoked. No work tomorrow, or for the rest of the week. I'm also bummed. The stake is splitting our wards up, or changing boundries rather in all the wards. We've made a lot of good friends here and it's too bad that we won't be able to see them as often. Hopefully since our ward is the smallest in the stake, we'll only get new people.

Talk about a big shake up though, all the bishops in the stake are being released. Well actually, everyone is being released. Our Elder's Quorum presidency will be disbanded after next Sunday. I've only been the 2nd counselor for about a month, but was the Secretary since February. I have a feeling that a large portion of our ward is going to be cut off and put into another ward, and unfortunately that section of the ward has some of our very close friends in it. I'm not saying it's going to happen, but if I had to venture a guess, it'd be that.

Well moving along, talk about busy, for the last two nights in a row we've had about 25 people at our house for dinner. It's awesome though, our house is nice and small but we have a huge yard for all the little ones to play in. I'll post some pics when I get a chance.

I'm sad though that my oldest daughter Morgan couldn't be with us because it was her mother's weekend to have her while she's down for the summer. Morgan was so excited to see her mom, and then her mom pawned her off on her grand mother to go camping for the weekend, so they've had her since Thursday and they weren't back in Evanston at even 5pm today. I talked to Morgan's mom (henceforth "she who shall not be named") and she said that we could meet tomorrow morning to pick Morgan up if she can find a ride. This really sucks, I have a whole week off work and my daughter who has been looking forward to spending time down at our house while I'm NOT at work is missing it all. I'm going to have to have a chat with she who shall not be named's mother, if she wants to take Morgan to do things that's fine, but she'll do it on she who shall not be named's time, not mine.

Well enough of that, tomorrow sometime we're going down to Utah county and we're going to hike up to the Mt Timpanogos caves and do that whole thing, then have a birthday party for someone in my wife's family.


1 comment:

- said...

sorry to hear the news man. when one door is closed another one is opened