Monday, August 27, 2007

It's MONDAY again!

That's right folks the beautiful M day is back again. What a weekend we had, I thought that on Saturday I'd be going to Evanston early early to help my dad unload some Hay into his barn, but I called him at 8 and he was 2/3 done so he said not to worry about it. So instead we went to IKEA to look for a bunkbed for our girls. That place is nuts! We might have found something, but we'll have to see. After that we went up to the Kennecot copper mine outside of Heriman Utah.

and saw some big ole dump trucks!

I've been up there before, but my kids hadn't and they enjoyed it. Cheap family fun day I guess.

Sunday was a pretty good day too. I had my first Elder's Quorum meeting in the new ward early that morning, then church from 9-12. After church it was a lazy day full of reading and naps. (loved it) Then we went to a fireside which was amazing. This guy in our ward named John Watkins who has retired from the Air Force has told me this story a few times. While in the 82nd airborne wing, he was the only LDS member in his platoon until a guy named Kenny joined up who was also LDS. Being members as they were they referred to each other as Brother John and Brother Kenny. Also being stationed in the deep south, there was a large contingent of black people in their unit, he said that they fit right in as a lot of people called each other brother and bro. After a few years him and Brother Kenny baptized 7 or 8 other members of their platoon and they had a big group of members who they called Brother Bob, or Brother Joe.

Well the fireside was about missionary work and he was the first speaker and he told this story in great detail. After John, there was a musical number and then a new speaker got up and introduced himself as Brother Belonte from California. As it turns out their family is spread out Utah, Idaho and California and have yearly reunions, and this one happened to be in Utah. As the speaker went on he started to mention more and more of the same points in John's story. Finally coming to the point in his story where he said he was in the 82 airborne and although he didn't join the church while in the service, he did 5 years later all because of Brother John's influence and example. John had no idea and it was amazing to see this all unfold to him for the first time, to watch him find out first hand that he had been responsible for over a hundred and fifty people joining the church was an amazing thing. The oldest daughter from the family got up and presented Brother John with a plaque with their family story on it and a list of all the 150+ people he had helped towards the gospel. It just goes to show you that we have no idea that we are being watched. People may not think that we are the true church or that we're a cult or whatever, but if that is so, then why are we held to such a high standard by those who don't even think we're right? Something to think about. =]

1 comment:

- said...

Have you seen this?