Monday, August 6, 2007

I almost fell off the blog!

Nah, I've just been taking a break from everything now that my wife's family is out of town. I love having friends and family over, but I also love it when they leave. My daughter Penny is sick with 3 different things! She's got 5 fever blisters on her lips, trench mouth and a virus in her lymph nodes causing her to have a fever. Lindsey took her to the doctor last night and I think she'll be ok with the medicines she's been given.

We went to our new ward this last weekend. It was good, I was glad to see some familiar faces and excited to see a bunch of new ones. My good friend Mike Mitchell was called as the Elder's Quorum president of the Wedgewood ward. He was previously the 1st counselor in that presidency in the Clearfield 3rd ward. I'm excited for him and I think he'll do a great job.

I've started working out again. I did last Friday, and I've told everyone at work that I'm doing it. Hopefully the fear of being ridiculed for not being able to stick to my 'workout' will keep me in line. Long enough for it to become a habit for me. Not that anyone here has any room to talk, bunch a lardos. I've been using the nordic track we have downstairs in our workout room and it kicks tail. Hopefully it will kick my gut's tail.


Dustin Jensen said...

Get a bike!!! It's more fun :p

Zak said...

I will. This is free.